You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the Law; you have fallen away from grace – Galatians 5:4.
What are you, O Great Mountain? Before Zerubabel You shall become a plain, and he shall bring forward the top stone amid shouts of Grace, grace to it – Zachariah 4:7
From the scriptures above, two things are quite clear. One is that a Christian ought to walk all his life in grace and two, that one can fall or act out of grace that is, operating outside the confines of grace which is really not profitable.
Grace is indeed what makes the difference in the life of a Christian. It is what makes us beneficiary of what I call “Divine Rights” that is, the promises and privileges in Christ. It is what makes your joy full, boundless and unutterable because literally in the Greek word it is translated ‘Charis’ meaning pure joy.
Somebody said ‘grace is unmerited favour’, which is very true. Another said ‘favour plus mercy equal grace’, absolutely right. They are all correct. God’s word found in the Holy Scriptures says ‘Grace is a gift from God to man’ (Ephesians 2:8). The scripture also says ‘Jesus Christ is grace and the epitome of grace’ (John 1: 16-17).
Just, as we are told ‘God is love and the epitome of love (1John 4:8-10). Grace is the singular reason Christians or believing followers of Jesus are a forgiven, saved and sanctified bunch. Grace is God’s divine enablement, Gods divine lifting up, and God’s divine strength in everything you fathom or be engaged in, such as: worship, holiness, power over sin, anointing, righteousness, obedience, knowledge, wisdom, prayer, healing, teaching, preaching, patience, fasting, leadership, administering, hospitality, giving thanks, counseling, health, wealth, family, victory, progress, success, joy, giving e.t.c.
The scripture is correct and one cannot add to it. Let’s take two scriptures and put in perspective:
1. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and that in due time He will lift you up (1Peter 5:6).
2. God resisted the proud but giveth grace to the humble (James 4:6).
One thing applies and is common to both scriptures, and it is the word HUMILITY. So we can deduce and conclude that grace is for the humble male or female. There is a truth about God and it is: God will never waste His gift – he gives to the deserving. He is the great appropriator.
Grace for life and Grace for race.
You will be working at cross purpose and against yourself to take grace lightly and unimportantly. You need grace for your eternal life and to run your race for earthly life.
Discarding your warped views and notions about God, what He is and what he is not, whether he exist or not, abandoning your egocentric, over confident and over bloated opinions or beliefs in yourself, theories, philosophies, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord, saviour, helper, teacher, comforter, counselor, provider and protector is the greatest act and show of humility by man as far as God is concerned. (John 3:5-6, 8:43, 45).While further acts of humility, will endear you the more to God.
Nicodemous was a Rabbi (teacher of no small repute) in his own right. As a teacher of the law, he realized that his impressive resume and understanding paled into insignificance under the scrutiny of Jesus teachings.
To tap into such excellent teachings he needed to swallow his pride, pocket his titles and achievements and come to Jesus by night for the knowledge of life. Now to fellow Pharisees Nicodemous acts were a humiliating task but to Jesus, Nicodemous actions were acts of great humility.
From afar, God knows the humble and the proud and from afar he gives to each accordingly. For the humble, it is grace. For the prideful, it is resistance all the way. The opposite of the act of humility of accepting Jesus in one’s life is to reject Jesus and sadly and truly it is the greatest sin. To reject Jesus is outright sin without which there is no remedy but doom.
Therefore if you are looking for enablement and strength please humble yourself under God. If you want to be advocated for on your behalf and promoted in all facet by Jesus, the Christ, then fall in line and walk in grace. It is yours for the taking. Maranatha.