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Wednesday 24 April 2013


Bro. Abduyusuf Rufa'i

The generation now, that is, our generation without doubt and without mincing words is a people of whom the end of the world has come upon (1 Cor. 10: 11).
Jacob, grandson of Abraham in Genesis Chapter 49 (KJ Version of the Bible) spoke to, charged and blessed his children.  In verse 1, he specifically told them of what was to befall them in the last days, nay mankind and like his father and grandfather, Jacob was a prophet.
We are living in interesting times and everything in world stage is happening fast. A careful observer and follower of happenings and trends will know that everything is falling in place, the stage is being set and hands are getting on deck for fulfillment of scriptures – the scripture cannot be broken – God’s word must come to pass (Psalm 119: 89, 1 Pt 1: 25, Mt 24: 35, Isaiah 51: 6; 40: 8).
We can see it happening around us; almost on a daily basis we see the fulfillment of scripture before our very eyes. Now, let’s have a rundown of the tragedies that have occurred to and still befalling mankind and the difficulty facing earth – the planet habitable to man and made by God for human existence.
Globalization – cutting edge technology and knowledge induced global village; economic meltdown and recession; global warming, incorporating ozone depletion; environmental hazards of unseen proportions, incorporating ocean spills, tsunami triggered nuke radiation crisis; natural disasters, incorporating Haiti and Japan – Fukushima Daichi type, 7.1 Richter scale earthquakes, Katrina type hurricanes, Burma and Missouri type monster tornadoes and  landslides. An unending rising of nations against nations with many still spoiling for war, for example Iran’s refusal not to quit its nuclear programme which it claims is for peaceful purposes and the West’s determination and Israel’s vow to stop her from going ahead – their fear being that it is for arming missiles with nuclear war heads; unbridled terrorism, self-immolation and suicide bombings for deep felt causes; a divided world over lack of progress and deadlock in peace talks aimed at resolving the “Palestine Question,” “Golan Heights” and “North and South Korea” debacle – 3 issues that have the capacity to throw the world into commotion, turmoil and global war; an increase in internal crisis and upheavals in nations precipitated by economic, political instability and bad governance. There is no end to arms buildup, even with the demise of the cold war era, weapons acquisition, upgrade, stockpile, research and design still tops more than half of the world’s  nations annual budget – a rat race leading to nowhere; Another rat race that men run – the quest to enrich self or the get rich or die trying syndrome (apologies to 50 Cents) by any means – slush funds, cornering unspent budgetary allocations, brazen looting of public treasury, misappropriation of public and government funds or funds held in trust, embezzlement, kickbacks, contract splitting, invoice inflation, official profligacy, wastage and corruption by kleptomaniac governing class, human ritual killings, body parts transactions and other occult means of wealth acquisition. Trying to be with the Joneses; all indices of a sickened world.
The rise of poverty and lack in many nations with many living in squalid and inhuman conditions; many taking to crimes and dubious occupations owing to a kleptomaniac governing class, joblessness and high unemployment rates; amok lifestyles and penchant for ungodly and un-dignifying behavior of people even among leaders; morals have been thrown to the dogs with parameters of normal human behavior redefined as abominations are now the norm all for convenience sake, the need to be politically correct and man’s quest to satisfy his insatiable and ungodly cravings; sports especially football or soccer has earned a reputation of a god – a religion with so many adherents, not just that, but one of the colossal spenders and big payers – for sports, money and winning is everything.
With all of these and many more plaguing the earth and her inhabitants, the point is un-mistakenly clear: the world is more materialistic, hedonistic, and corrupt and losing grip; the world is in self destruct mode and is quickly and unceremoniously winding up or racing towards an unenviable shutdown.
That we will have an utopian world, where everyone is repentant and looking to the one true God, living in harmony so that God will speak peace to His people (Psalm 85: 8) is farfetched; such a scenario is a mirage. In the prevailing circumstances, there is only one verdict for man and to the world. It is found in Jeremiah 10: 23, 24 and 25. In a nutshell, it says mankind is incapable of directing itself and thus it has come under judgment. It is the hard truth. The Master and Creator will eventually have to step in, to intervene, and to bring an end to all of the mess and madness we have found ourselves in and that He will do soonest. Why? Because the scriptures says so! (Isaiah 11:10 – 12, Isaiah 55: 10 – 11). The word or oracles of God is infallible!
Ambassador R. A. Y.

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