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Friday 3 May 2013



Bro. Abduyusuf Rufa'i
Let’s get down to brass tacks, the chips are down and the moment of truth has come. Gross darkness has not only enveloped the world, it is threatening and starring the Church in the face (Isaiah 60: 2), and so the warning must be sounded clearly and unmistakably. The Church must shake off her lethargy; she must rise and shine her Light.

She must stop being a:
·        Consumer and be a major  Contributor
·        Thermometer and be a Thermostat

She as a:
·        Living organism must Grow
·        Organisation must be organised for effective Growth and Strategic Expansion
·        Body (of Christ) can be Sick if not cared for
·        Temple (of God) must be Holy and Righteous
·        Gate (of Heaven) must be Opened to all mankind

The church is not a building but an assembly of people called out or possessed or purchased out of many. She must understand her power and use it without apology, hesitation and reservation.
Jesus said, ‘‘I will build (or advance) MY Church and the gates of hell (i.e. Satan, his cohort, his cronies and machinery) shall not prevail (or overcome or subdue or defeat it) against it. The Church is God’s and not any man’s, group or whatever can be contrived. No Arch bishop, Arch deacon, Bishop, Reverend father, Most senior prophet or apostle, His holiness, Mother or Father in Israel, Primate, General overseer, General superintendant, Founder or Senior pastor etc owns the Church, whether the flock is only two or in millions. This must be understood clearly, the Church belongs to God wholly and completely. These are an Oracle and a sure promise from God and so let’s fly with it.

Keep the flag Flying and the Oil burning, Maran'atha
Ambassador R. A. Y.

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