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Friday 15 April 2016


He said therefore, “A Nobleman (called Jesus Christ) went into a far country (in Heaven) to receive a Kingdom (and all its rewards, goodies, mansions and appurtenance) and then return. Calling ten of his servants (who are also his followers and disciples), he gave them ten pounds (worth of gifts and assignments), and said to them, ‘Trade with these till I come.’”  – Luke 19: 12 – 13 (RSV).
Notes: words in brackets are mine.
In the Gospels, Jesus Christ used parables to teach or convey Kingdom truths and realities. He used parables to teach important spiritual lessons by referring to familiar objects. What is a parable? A parable suggests the “setting alongside” of two things in a story form so that one illustrates the other. It is a powerful teaching method.
You, yes you, the Christian or Disciple, are you ready for the return of the NOBLEMAN?


In the final or closing days of the last days God will by his Spirit preach the salvation message to a lost world. Yes, you heard or read correctly. Bible prophecy reveals this – God has declared so. As a matter of fact it is already happening. Many in the Muslim, Budhist, Hinduist world and heathen nations have sought and come to Jesus Christ without any one ever preaching to them or even passing out tracts to them.
God will do these at an unprecedented level in THE DAYS WHEN HE POURS OUT HIS SPIRIT ON ALL FLESH. God says: Joel 2: 28 – 29. (Isaiah 44: 3 – 5). When the Spirit of God of God is poured out on human beings they prophesy, have dreams, see visions, speak in other tongues and are full of power and boldness (Num. 11: 24 – 30, 2 Chr. 20: 13 – 18, 1 Chr. 12: 18, Judges 11: 29, 32 – 33; 13: 25; 14: 19, Acts 4: 23 – 31; 2: 1 – 4; 1: 5, 8; 10: 44 – 47; 19: 1 – 7).
In their dreams and visions Jesus will reveal Himself to them or they will understand the awful reality of not being saved through Jesus Christ. When these things happen as God has said they would, men and women, young and old, rich and poor of all races in every nation will quickly surrender to Jesus for their eternal safety and bliss. Jesus said this will happen in John 6: 44 – 45. In this scripture Jesus was himself alluding to the word of God as declared by prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 54: 13( also see Jer. 31: 34, 1Cor. 2: 10, 1Thess. 4: 9, 1John 2: 20, 27, Psalms 119: 165).
Why will God do this? The preaching of the Gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ has been entrusted to men but in the very last days God will move fast and do some things Himself. This is to cover up for lost grounds. God will bring into his family those who ought to have been long brought in. More over man is incapable of saving or helping himself (Jer. 10: 23 – 24) and God is determined to save myriads, God is also determined that Satan and his kingdom will not laugh or win here. There is a town in predominantly Muslim ALGERIA who is staunch and committed Christians today. This is because while as Muslims they went to bed and overnight everyone in that community had the same dream about Jesus Christ. On waking up and realizing they all had the same spiritual encounter without much ado they made the decision for Christ. Jesus preached to them by Himself. From the beginning it has been God’s desire to pour His spirit on all flesh. Read this: Num. 11: 26 – 29.
In the very last days God shall pour out his Spirit on ALL FLESH and many shall come to Christ willingly. And these people shall in turn go out and tell others and their loved ones about Jesus Christ: Matt. 24: 14. What wonder those days will be? I anticipate and look forward to those days that are certainly by the corner. It is the DAYS OF THE SPRING RAIN when God pours out His rain on all flesh (Joel 2: 23, 28 – 29) HALLELUYAH!


(In Bullet Points)
Ø The Spirit of the Lord is saying the Time has come, now is the time. The GEAR of the move of God has been engaged (Joel 2: 23, Zachariah 10:1).
Ø The next greatest story and events for THE CHURCH is THE HARVEST.
Ø A Revival and Reawakening is in the offing and will be global – every nook and cranny of the world.
Ø The Spirit of the Lord in double measure shall be poured out on ALL FLESH – on lay people and ordinary servants of God (Joel 2: 23 – 25, 28 – 29, Matthew 24: 13 – 14).
Ø THE SLEEPING GIANT i.e. the Church shall be roused by God from slumber,  hindrances and encumbrances and will engage THE END TIME MINISTRY
Ø Wall of Denominations (that is, divisions) shall not be known but Love, Purpose, Unity, Loyalty and Dedication to God (Isaiah 40: 3 – 5).
Ø Every Vision received from God by men is from the heart of who gave it. Every vision is a furtherance or revelation of Bible prophecy. Every Vision or Mandate is connected or an offshoot of another (Isaiah 11: 1).
Ø The Unusually Anointed End Time Ministry of Lay People as identified has been given by God as a mandate to Demos Shakarian’s Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International (FGBMFI) and David Oyedepo’s Living Faith Church Worldwide (LFCW). They have the mandate of being a VEHICLE and GUN for the End Time Ministry (reader can investigate this or ask the Holy Spirit).
Ø Like a train the Move of the Holy Spirit of God will begin slowly but steady and then gain momentum and eventual speed that crushes whatever is on its way. This is THE MIGHTY ARMY OF GOD.
Ø The Move of God will begin in Africa in the South of the world and spread to the East, West and North. The sleeping Giant has its head in the south and its legs in the North Pole with arms stretching from sea to sea. The rousing begins with the Head.
Ø The Anti-Christ, the False Prophet, their followers and saboteur Christians will fight and oppose the move of God but the mighty Army of God – the Church shall overcome.
Ø Finally this move of the Holy Spirit of God will cause proliferation of the anointing of God and will bring in the HARVEST of God and will lead to or usher in the return of Jesus Christ in Glory and Power


ISAIAH 25: 1:
Europe is metamorphosing. Europe is being forced to look inwards and reinvent itself. The European Union will be transformed politically, economically and militarily. Modern Europe never envisaged the challenges and crisis she is faced with now when her leaders mapped out the loose but cohesive federation of the European Union comprising of many nations – where some are strong and many weak. This has kind of been a drawback but her vision still remains. In the future of Europe we shall see ten dominant nations come together and form a cohesive ring. They shall be powerful and call the shots in Europe with the rest nations towing the line. The new Europe under this cohesive ring leadership will have great influence on the world and her actions and policy will impact the world. It is worthy to note that not long after a leader will emerge out of or after this pack who after gaining ascendancy will influence the whole world in a peculiar way while at the same time enjoying the cooperation and the complete backing of the ten nations or their leaders. The actions of this leader will change the course of human history since humans began to sojourn on this earth. Prepare for the future!