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Friday, 15 April 2016


He said therefore, “A Nobleman (called Jesus Christ) went into a far country (in Heaven) to receive a Kingdom (and all its rewards, goodies, mansions and appurtenance) and then return. Calling ten of his servants (who are also his followers and disciples), he gave them ten pounds (worth of gifts and assignments), and said to them, ‘Trade with these till I come.’”  – Luke 19: 12 – 13 (RSV).
Notes: words in brackets are mine.
In the Gospels, Jesus Christ used parables to teach or convey Kingdom truths and realities. He used parables to teach important spiritual lessons by referring to familiar objects. What is a parable? A parable suggests the “setting alongside” of two things in a story form so that one illustrates the other. It is a powerful teaching method.
You, yes you, the Christian or Disciple, are you ready for the return of the NOBLEMAN?

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