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Tuesday 3 November 2009




1. Visionary and Dedicated Leadership
2. Good Governance and Rule of Law
3. Transparency and Accountability
4. A Heart for and Commitment to the People


Sow the opposite of the above and you will reap its fruits; of course the harvest will be greater than the seeds sown.

It is as simple as that. It is a natural law of God that cannot be broken or annulled; whether a nation knows God or not.

But success without God is the greatest failure. It is even better and more rewarding if the nation knows God because it will avert God’s judgment and wrath (Psalms 9:17).A good example of such nation was Nineveh (Jonah 3:1-10; 4:11)

These are words taught me by the Holy Spirit as I pondered about Nigeria and other nations of the world while I prayed, fasted and waited on the Lord From 29 September to 4 October 2009 for Nigeria

Ambassador Yusuf Rufa’i
+234 80 28 78 28 91


MATHEW 8:25-26, MARK 4:40, LUKE 8:25, ROMANS 8:15, 2 TIMOTY 1:7

‘Fear cometh by hearing, and hearing by the words of the devil; without fear it is impossible to please the devil.’

We are living in the age of fear.
Messages of fear come at you from every side. The news media sees to that. Every news cast and newspaper offers you a smorgasbord of fears to choose from:
• Fear of incurable diseases
• Fear of being discriminated against
• Fear of economic collapse
• Fear of crime
• Fear of failure
• Fear of the unknown
• Etc

Child of God, only when you get fear out of you life will you be able to operate in the faith to which God has called you to walk. You must declare war on fear. As far as your faith is concerned, fear is public enemy No. 1.
There is no way for Satan to operate destructively in your life unless you give place to him. How do you give place to the devil? By giving attention to his words and thereby beginning to operate in fear.
The devils words are…
•A bad report from the doctor saying you have only 3 months to live
•The words on the television or radio news cast declaring the economy is going down the tube or that its not safe to drive the streets at night
•Words of well-meaning family members, friends or co-workers bringing a message of doubt and fear.
•The devil’s words, whispered into your mind(this is often couched as your own thoughts, they are not but the devil’s who fed them into your mind, be wary of him, he is just too sly)
Guard Your Gates. Your eyes and your ears are gateway to your mind and spirit. If you allow CNN’s constant stream of disaster, calamity and tragedy to enter those gates day in day out, it won’t be long before you’re afraid to leave your house, much less do the things God has called you to do. No Matter Where It Comes from, If It Doesn’t Line up with God’s Word, it can open up invitation to destructive spirit of fear, if you pay attention to it.
Fear (Phobia, Inferiority, Insecurity, Anxiety etc) is planted in you by the devil through your five senses of touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing—all the external circumstances of life, example as found in Mathew 14:25-31.

Satan uses the material world around you to try to influence you.
While things of God on the other hand are perceived spiritually (1 Corinthians 2:14).Don’t be moved by the things you can see or hear. Be moved by the unseen: 2 Corinthians 4:18.

The devils tactic is to convince you that the things you see and hear around you are more real than the truth of God’s word.
When you start depending on what you can see rather than what God has said, you are wide open for deception. There is no pace for faith in that kind of life. Why? Because ‘we walk by faith, not by sight’. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Either you walk in faith or you operate in fear. When one is present, the other leaves. Choose to walk in faith.
‘And with faith nothing is impossible’. Now, begin to do the impossible by faith as you live your life.

-By Creflo A. Dollar
Excerpt adapted by Yusuf Rufa’i.
+234 80 28 78 28 91


Nothing is heavier than bitterness.
Here is what it will do to you:
1.It will drag you down and turn living into merely existing.
2.It will cause you to leave a bad smell wherever you go. Even those who love you will become exhausted and leave, or confront you and say, ‘Get over it’.
3.It will destroy every new relationship God wants to bring to your life. After all, who wants a person that’s having an affair with a corpse? You’d only be using the new, as an anti-depressant to numb the pain of the old.
4.It will destroy your health and shorten your life span because you weren’t built to carry it.
Cut it loose! Cry if you need to, but when the grieving is over, bury it and move on. You say, ‘I can’t help but remember.’ Oh, yes you can! Paul said, ‘this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind…’ (Philippians 3:13)
Paul chose to forget. And you can!
You say, ‘but it’s so hard to do.’ Jesus didn’t say all things are easy, He said all things are possible. (Mark 9:23)
You will do a lot of growing up between what’s easy and what’s possible!
Inherent in ever promise God makes to you, is the potential to see it fulfilled. Contained in every command he gives you, is the power to carry it out.

--Bob Gass


When did Moses, the prophet of God become a champion? I replied ‘when he was eighty years’.
That’s when he began to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. The second was, ‘when did the enemy try to destroy him?’ I replied, ‘when he was two’. That’s when Pharaoh ordered the death of every Hebrew baby boy, in an attempt to get him.
The words that he spoke next changed my life. He said. ‘Bob, hell plans eighty years in advance to destroy a champion and wipe out a winner. The battle is not over your past! That battle is not even over your present! The battle is over your future!
In that moment light pierced the darkness, depression lifted and something inside of me rose up and declared, ‘then I will live and not die, and I will declare the works of the Lord’ (Psalm 118:17)
The level of attack only reveals your future potential!

--Bob Gass


Beloved, God never promises
and never practicalizes.
He is saving that for the here after.
While we are here on this earth
We need to work for God am I right?
It could be a job,
It could be church,
It could be community,
It could be marriage,
But the good news is that,
He has given us two secret weapons
to help us succeed.
Hope and love!
In hope; there prayer is.
And love; loving is giving-pure and simple.
But in love there is also forgiveness.
And forgiveness belongs to everyone,
Is that right?
The right to breath,
The right to eat,
or even to fall in love.
Sometimes we take love for granted.
Am I right about it?
Those who are nearest to us and dearest to us.
Those are the ones we forget to cherish.
But the miracle is, when we love someone
We are really loving God.
Look and wonder at those you love,
For they are the face of God
And when the path is dark and the road is slippery,
we will let God lead and show us His highway.
You see He’s got these Angels, waiting
on the long line for the chance
to come down and help each
and every one of us, and they do come.
So beloved I’m truly blessed.
I’m blessed in hope,
I’m blessed in love,
and I’m blessed with
the belief that I can make a difference.

And now let us begin.
Let us go forward,
Forward in hope,
forward in love,
and forward unto the new
days of our lives;
without ever forgetting.
Just because you can’t see the air
doesn’t stop you from breathing.
Just because you can’t see God
doesn’t stop you from believing.
Now this is what I call faith.
You know the God kind of faith.
Beloved, you are blessed in the Lord;
As you take your rightful place.
See you at the TOP.

Culled From an American movie by
Ambassador Yusuf Rufa’i
+234 80 28 78 28 91

Friday 28 August 2009


TEXT: READ: LUKE 6:38, ACTS 20:35

God’s financial and prosperity plan is found in Luke 6:38.
Gods financial and prosperity plan for any nation or man (particularly man because God deals with individuals when it comes to relationships, John 14:23, Revelation 3:20) has always been hinged on giving out to another which as a matter of truth must precede receiving.

The Tithe and First Fruits doctrines (Proverb 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10-11) as instituted by God involves giving back in appreciation to the one who made it possible for one to have in the first place. Even in farming the same principles applies.

The farmer reserves a portion of his best yields to give back to the earth so that he can get again. The quality and quantity of what he sows determines the quality and quantity of the yield he gets back.

In order to get a good grasp of this ‘none like it’ blue print or plan I will be making use of some Financial and Insurance terms familiar to us in our everyday life.

God’s financial plan is a better pension and retirement plan,
It is an excellent life insurance policy,
It is a wonderful economic recession recovery package,
It is a fantastic economic prosperity stimulus.

The anti-lack and anti-poverty plan found in Luke 6:38 will take to the cleaners any world economic recovery plan designed by the IMF or the World Bank. It will beat the world’s best economist’s theory.
According to Luke 6:38 when you give out it will go through four processes or stages before it gets back to you.

The corn planted in the soil goes through the process of first dieing, then decaying and then coming back to life before finally springing (germinating) forth with vigour, rejuvenated and renewed as that beautiful blade of leaf you see.

When you give out it goes through the first stage of ‘GOOD MEASURE’ this is similar to attracting or generating ‘COMPOUND INTEREST’ in financial terms,

Thereafter it goes through the process of ‘PRESSED DOWN’, this is akin to the ‘PROFIT BEFORE every other expenditure e.g. TAX’,

Afterwards it goes through the process of ‘SHAKEN TOGETHER’; this is like your ‘TURNOVER’ at the end of a period.

Then finally it goes through the process of ‘RUNNING OVER’, this is your ‘PROFIT AFTER TAX’ which is actually a surplus and puts you in a stead to declare dividends.
A position where others can tap into your steady multiple streams of income and enjoy the flow.

Your ‘SUM ASSURED’ (which you projected in faith and expected from God) after your initial ‘PREMIUM or CAPITAL’(what you gave out) has come back to you but only this time multiplied severally-‘for with the measure that you mete withal it shall be measured to you again'.

Just like a farmer will plant a seed of corn and at harvest will get several curbs of corn with hundreds of seeds on each curb of corn. One seed was multiplied over and over by God’s nature (Genesis 26:12).
It is imperative that you the ‘ASSURED’ or giver note that the statements found in Luke 6:38 ‘…and it shall be given to you’, ‘…shall men give into you bosom’ is as constant as the rising of the sun and will never fail to be fulfilled in your life (Genesis 8:22).

1. Ask yourself ‘what will I like to get or have in my life?’
Then you go ahead and deposit or give that out to somebody or some people.
2. Ask yourself ‘how much of it do I want in my life?’
Then you deposit or give enough to generate that amount.
3. Your job is for you to be a life long giver or make a lifestyle of giving or depositing into other peoples lives to guarantee sufficient returns for a rewarding and fulfilling life.
4. Jesus told his disciples and others to give to Caesar what was Caesar’s. Likewise God should be given His due. Tithes and First Fruits are His. It is an injunction that must be obeyed wholeheartedly by everyone who loves God.

YOU CAN GIVE IN THESE AREAS:1. Money and Material needs
2. Help and Hospitality
3. Prayer and Intercession
4. Counsel and Witnessing
5. Your Time or just a Listening Ear

Be a giver like the Most High, not just a taker, who gave us Sunlight, Moonlight, Rain, the Air to breath, the Fruits and Plants to eat etc and most importantly His begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST (John 3:16).
Expecting to receive without giving is nothing but crass greed. When you fail to release the little in your hand you give God no other option but to withdraw big blessings that would have come your way. Further reading: Proverb 11:24-26, Ecclesiastes 11:1-3.

Maran' atha

Ambassador Yusuf Rufa’i
+234 80 28 78 28 91

Tuesday 21 July 2009



Those that have an intimate relationship and have a working knowledge of the word of God are always mightily used of God. They are so used because they are great people of resolved faith in God.
They always enjoy the following like the great prophet Daniel did:
1) You become stronger in God
2) You will do great exploits
3) Your expectations will be met
4) God’s knowledge brings great understanding and makes you wise
5) God’s knowledge gives you access to God’s free gift
6) Knowledge gives freedom
7) You will know the enemies secrets
8) Knowledge will give you riches and treasures
9) You will enjoy all God’s promises
10) It enables you to trust God
11) You will recover when struck down
12) You will truly worship Him

This was a teaching in one of the plenary sessions during the 2008 Holy Ghost Congress at the R.C.C.G. Redemption Camp, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Wednesday 8 July 2009



I will like to define the phrase ‘seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness’ as the pursuit of the kingdom and righteousness purposes by bringing it or elevating it to an enviable pedestal (platform, podium, position).

(John 1:14a, 12)
His kingdom is the following:
1. His territory
2. His entity
3. His protectorate
4. His dominion
5. His ideals/His will over His given space
6. Faith principles and its applications

(Psalm 68:11, Isaiah 52:7)
Seek you first His kingdom is:
1. Belonging to His kingdom(e.g. being Born Again)
2. Pursuing His kingdom(e.g. being passionate, with all of your heart)
3. Propagating His kingdom(preach, teach, exhort, counsel)
4. Popularizing His kingdom(write about, talk about on TV/radio, papers, your lifestyle etc)
5. Establishing His kingdom(enduring institutions, lasting structures e.g. Holy Ghost Services, Congresses, SOD,RCBC,RUN etc)

(1 Corinthians 16:9a)
Let’s take 2 examples from the home front as a case study to see how these people sought God’s kingdom and righteousness and see how far God has taken them and draw inspiration from them.
1.) Pastor E.A Adeboye, 2.) Bishop David Oyedepo
The truth is that there are ingenious ways of doing God’s work. Like the maxim says 'there are a thousand ways to kill a rat'.
These resources come into play (ideas/inspiration) (money, material/people), they all come from God.

The reward of ‘seek you first His kingdom and His righteousness’ is a promise from God as found in Mathew 6:30-32, surely to be fulfilled in the life of those who TRULY (with emphasis) seek. God is not a liar and owes no man.

The challenge is that we are satisfied at the level of Just belonging to His kingdom (that is Born Again only).There (at that level) we remain complacent, lazy, indolent and unfortunately beggarly, trading monumental victory and achievements for a ‘pot of porridge’.

Remember this! If you forget anything not this: God is no liar and He owes no man. Keep loading your cloud and at His appointed time your rain will fall in great torrents.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

वेल्कोमे तो माय ब्लॉग-गोद'स blog

इ विल लिखे तो वेल्कोमे यू अल व्हो देसिरे तो हवे अ रेफ्रेशिंग टाइम इन गोद'स प्रेसेंस एंड हिस वर्ड.इ परोमिसे थे होली स्पिरिट विल टीच उस हिम्सेल्फ़ एंड वे विल कामे आउट बीइंग व्होम गोद देस्तिनेड उस तो बे.अस वे लीर्ण एंड कोम्मुनिकाते इ विल रेअल्ली लव तो हेअर एवेरी इन्स्पिरेड एंड तौचेद ओने ऑफ़ उस.यू विल फंड माय ऐ-मेल एड्रेस एंड टेलीफोन नंबर्स इन माय प्रोफाइल.मेंव्हिले इ विल राच उस अस सून अस इ गेट माय फिनल एक्ट्स तोगेथेर-थिस इस माय फर्स्ट टाइम ब्लॉग्गिंग.चीर्स.