And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come – Matthew 24:14.
Many have misinterpreted the above scripture to mean that a cataclysmic end will occur to the world after the Gospel is preached to the whole earth. This stand point is an error, misleading and wickedly deceptive.
After the Rapture occurs and the saints are taken away (to prevent them from the coming suffering), the world will continue, only without “true” Christians. Some of those who remain as a result of being left behind and have become wise (having realized Bible prophecies fulfilled before their very eyes), will pick up the gauntlet and preach the Gospel.
Sadly most of them will fall by the sword for Jesus name sake (Matthew 24:9). Many will also fall away for many reasons – persecution, receiving the number 666 or its sign, starvation, suffering and hardship, fear of torture and being killed etc. (Matthew 24:10-12).
But Jesus knowing that this will happen urges the Christians of now and that era to hold on to the end or as Luke’s account put it “gain their lives by their endurance” (Luke 21:19, Mathew 24:13). This is the same account revealed to Daniel, of those martyring for the name sake of Jesus and those denying for the name sake of Jesus(Daniel 11:33-35; 7:21-25).
Preaching of the Gospel to the whole world was never a criterion for Rapture to occur. Rapture could happen any moment - even now (Matthew 24:42, 44). All Bible conditions for Rapture to occur have been fulfilled. The Rapture event is not the same and should not be confused for the ‘‘End of the World’’ – an event which will commence at the end of tribulation times – A 7 years period of intense hardship, suffering, persecution, prosecution, starvation, violence and killings the earth will ever know.
The end referred to in Matthew 24:14 is the final winding down of things after the tribulation times; the final annihilation of the Anti-Christ – the beast with his cohorts and the subsequent beginning of the Christ Millennial reign.
Bro. Yusuf Rufa’i,
Is your Brother and Servant in the Lord
Tel: +234 80 28 78 28 91
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