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Thursday, 1 May 2014


  •   A true Christian is a citizen of a Kingdom 
  •   Christianity is the message and lifestyle of a Kingdom
UNDERSTANDING! Which the devil does not want you to have brings Healing, Restoration, Breakthrough, Victory and Triumph. The people of God perish for lack of knowledge. The devil wants you to permanently remain an ignoramus. But the Holy Spirit is saying no, we are saying no, I am saying no. Get restored and healed today because the Kingdom has not only come upon you it is within you (Matt. 13: 10 – 17, Hosea 4: 6, Isaiah 5: 13 – 14).                                                                                                                                                             Jesus revealed and taught these truths (Luke 4: 43, Acts 1: 3):
1.       The Arrival and the Presence of the King of the Kingdom
Matt. 4: 17, Luke 4: 18 – 19, 21
2.       The Spirit of the Kingdom
Matt. 12: 28, John 14: 16 – 17, 26 – 27; 15: 26; 16: 7 – 15, Acts 1: 4 – 5, 8 
3.       The Gospel of the Kingdom
Matt. 4: 23; 9: 35; 24: 14 (all the message of the Kingdom is encapsulated in Matt. 5 – 7, John 3)
4.       The Signs and Wonders of the Kingdom
Matt. 4: 23; 9: 35
5.       The continual Citizenship of the Kingdom
Matt. 6: 33, John 3: 5 – 8
6.       The Attitude of the Kingdom
Matt. 5: 2 – 12, 20, Galatians 5: 22 – 25
7.       The Praying Expectation of the Kingdom for all times and every situation
Matt. 6: 8 – 13
8.       The Ambassador of the Kingdom
Matt. 10: 7 – 8, Luke 4: 18 – 19; 22: 29 – 30, Mark 16: 17 – 18
9.       The Gravity of the Ambassador of the Kingdom
Matt. 13: 52; 28: 19 – 20, Mark 16: 15 – 16
10.   The Children or Arrow heads of the Kingdom
Matt. 13: 24, 38
11.   The Words and Knowledge of the Kingdom
Matt. 13: 11, 19
12.   The Importance and Value of the Kingdom
Matt. 13: 44 – 45
13.   The Affluence of the Kingdom
Matt. 13: 31 - 32
14.   The Influence of the Kingdom
Matt. 13: 33
15.   The Preparedness and Task of the Kingdom
Matt. 25: 1 – 13, 14 – 30
16.   The Inheritances of God is the Kingdom
Matt. 25: 34
17.   The Ownership and Sorting of the Kingdom
Matt. 13: 41 – 43, 47 – 50
18.   Nigeria has a Special Task to extend the Kingdom
Matt. 21: 43 (Psalms 68: 31, Zephaniah 3: 9 – 10, Isaiah 18 (emphasis verse 7)
Other Kingdom issues Jesus revealed or spoke about can be found in the following scriptures: Matthew 6: 20 – 21; 7: 21; 14: 19; 16: 17; 16: 19; 18: 18 – 20; 18: 1 – 4;18: 21 – 35; 19: 11 – 12; 19: 13 – 15; 19: 21 – 24; 20: 1 – 16; 20: 22 – 23; 21: 25 – 26; 22: 30; 22: 31 – 32.                                                          When the realization of what Christianity is about, the message and culture of Christianity and who you really are hits you, then you will agree with Dr. Myles Munroe; I quote him: You go to work realising I am a country. Heaven just walked into the office. You see when you understand the Kingdom then your attitude changes. If you have been conferred by the Kingdom of God to be an Ambassador of Christ and Heaven, how dare you think He isn’t going to pay your bills... Understanding brings healing. You cannot appropriate what you don’t understand. They have eyes and they cannot see. They have ears and cannot hear... The devils number one hope is that you don’t understand the Kingdom. He doesn’t mind if you are Christian, just don’t become a citizen of the Kingdom. Where are you from? I am in the world but not of the world... This mandate will make you free so that you can preach freedom. End of quote.

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