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Monday, 28 November 2016



·        The DARK KINGDOM Revealed
·        The DARK KINGDOM Destroyed By Exposure
·        Let ILLUMINATION come to you
Ø  The Dark Kingdom thrives on your Ignorance, Foolishness, Faithlessness and Stupidity.
Ø  The Dark Kingdom latch on Man’s Fears and Disobedience and his Quest or Lust or Greed for Power, Fame, Cravings, Sex and Money.

DARKI LEAKS 1 to 60:

1.   The Kingdom of Darkness is as real as you are real.
2.   The Kingdom of Darkness is primarily a Kingdom of spirits who don’t die, they are personalities without bodies.
3.   The Kingdom of Darkness is a kingdom of Rebels, Felons and Fugitives who sought to topple their Creator and Benefactor but failed.
4.   The Kingdom of Darkness transcends Celestial, Terrestrial, Marine and Subterranean realms.
5.   The Dark Kingdom is classified as follows:
a)   Satan
b)   Principalities
c)   Powers
d)   Rulers of Darkness
e)   Spiritual wickedness in heavenlies
6.   Principalities are Satan’s immediate henchmen and their duties and responsibilities are as follows:
a)   Belial or Wormwood – The principality demon in charge of death and war.
b)   Abaddon or Apollyon or Destroyer – The principality demon in charge of all pollution and corruption.
c)   Beast – The principality demon in charge of wide scale destruction and desolation.
d)   Leviathan – The principality demon, that is, the dragon and serpent of the sea.

These are followed by Powers that are the next in line. All together they are also called Higher and Lower extra Terrestrial Forces.
7.   The Kingdom of Darkness has a “Governing Council” or “Board of Governors” and they are:
a)   Satan – chairman.
b)   Belial or Wormwood – principality member.
c)   Abaddon or Apollyon or Destroyer – principality member.
d)   Beast – principality member.
e)   Leviathan – principality member.
f)    Baal – power member.
g)   Beelzebub – power member.
h)   Ariton –power member.
i)     Mammon – power member.
j)    Paimon – power member.
k)   Asmodee – power member.
l)     Magog – power member.
m) Ashtaroth – power member including also
n)   King and Queen of the Coast – also regarded as power members.
8.   They were all once beautiful angels that served and worshipped God, their Creator but are now fallen and depraved and thus are now demons or devils.
9.   They are millions of years old. God knows their exact age, former names and present evil names. The generic names of Angels both standing and fallen is STARS.
10.                They are eternal enemies of God, Man, Good and Light. They will keep on carrying out their destructive ministry until the time when Jesus Christ finally cast them into the Lake of Fire for eternity.
11.                Exposure or Illumination or Light unmask or destroys the Dark Kingdom. Satan and his goons will rather have you believe they don’t exist or anything about them are fairy tales and fables. If you fall for his tricks then you are completely ensnared by them and are at their mercy.
12.                The Dark Kingdom shows no love lost to anyone. In fact they attack or harm without provocation whatsoever. It is their blood thirsty desire and nature to steal, kill and destroy. Since their fall from light and grace this has been their evil and wicked ministry.
13.                “…For there is no authority except from God and the powers that be are ordained of God (Romans 13:1). This scripture is what the Dark Kingdom doesn’t want you to know or believe. Their power is limited and they are all subject to their Creator and to those Redeemed by the Son of their Creator.
14.                When the earth was being recreated by God they were around and watched keenly.
15.                Prior to Genesis Chapter 1 they were in the Abyss:“And DARKNESS was
upon the face of the Deep.”  And they were also inside the huge mass of water   where the Spirit of God kept them in check: “And the Spirit hovered upon the waters.”                 
16.                The Earth was without form and void,” that is, the earth was shapeless or in disorder and empty – This was consequence of their activities and battles that raged between them and God’s loyal hosts.
17.                Who are the Rulers of Darkness? They are the Astral or Occult spirits and Marine or Water spirits including humans who have been initiated and promoted to that level.
18.                Who are the Spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies? They are the Servient and Familiar spirits and Witches and Wizards and Magicians spirits.
19.                Who are Witches and Wizards? They are humans initiated and possessed by witchcraft spirits. They are in classes: White witch, Black witch and Red witch. Occultism is actually another level of witchcraft and wizardry and magic.
20.                Witches multiply themselves quickly either through the dream state initiation, eating a bewitched food or using a bewitched item or money. If there are 10 witches in a Local Government Area within a year they will become 100.
21.                Witches can be stationary on their bed or chair and they are spiritually out on assignments or a meeting. Witches can attack a person in a dream state or come live transformed as animals or rodents or insects etc.
22.                Promotion of Witches and Wizards is based on how many persons initiated, destroyed or assignments successfully executed or blood or flesh supplied to their covens and reservoirs.
23.                The Dark Kingdom operate an efficient network and share or pass on information, historical records or intelligence on any one, people, group, place, organization or thing.
24.                There is an evil spirit being in charge of Continents, Nations, Cities, Towns, Villages, Hamlets, Streets, Deserts, Forest, Mountains and Hills, Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Lagoons etc. and even Houses. Just name them.
25.                In the Dark Kingdom hierarchy is respected and if not followed accordingly could result in punishment and death for the humans amongst them.
26.                The Dark Kingdom never works at cross purpose or are never opposed or divided. Their main objectives are to subvert the will of God, and undermine man and send mankind to Hell.
27.                In the Dark Kingdom they are running against time and are much in a hurry. Time is never wasted there – desperation is the name.
28.                In the Dark Kingdom the name: JESUS or JESUS CHRIST in any language is never mentioned there because Jesus Christ came to destroy Darkness and the works of Darkness. Mentioning Jesus Christ brings calamity, pandemonium and untold hardship to them.
29.                In the Dark Kingdom gigantic Cities, Markets, Scientific and Research Laboratories exist; Universities and Centres of Evil learning exist particularly in the Astral and Marine world.
30.                In the Dark Kingdom one of the things they study there is THEOLOGY and the Bible scriptures, not for good but to use it against mankind especially Christians or Servants of God.
31.                They have for ages used the Word of God to stop or try to stop many from entering Heaven especially Christians after their exit from earth. All they do is to quote the Bible passage just like a Lawyer at the Gate of Heaven and for example say:    
At death, Sister “Lagbaja” was wearing jewelries, attachments and trousers and according to the Word of the Master in so… and so… you have contravened the scripture and sinned against the Master and thus condemned and therefore you cannot enter the King’s holy Kingdom and abode.
Note: If Grace is not on the side of such Christian he or she is finished, your status notwithstanding.
32.                In the Dark Kingdom they will not strike to kill a targeted person, if they know that upon death such a person will go straight to heaven.
33.                In the Dark Kingdom they strike to kill a person, if they are not stopped by God or His Angel when such fellow commits sin, especially if a Christian. The aim is to send the person straight to Hell.
34.                In the Dark Kingdom they can plan the death of a Heaven bound child of God for as long as that believer’s presence on earth keeps causing them problems or keeps destroying their objectives or keeps setting captives free. Remember Abel, Prophet Elisha, John the Baptist, Zechariah (mentioned by Jesus), Deacon Stephen, Antipas and even our Lord Jesus Christ and many more (For example: causing the death of one of a deeply in love married couple committed to Christ in order to bring misery, derail or discourage the surviving spouse or children or their friends and admirers).
35.                In the Dark Kingdom maiming, killing or causing the death of many because they are targeting a marked person unsuccessfully means nothing to them. Sinners and those not covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ are like “ILEYA” Rams to Satan and his people. You will be fatted only for you to go at the slab at their whims.
36.                Any person that receives anything from the Dark Kingdom – anything whatsoever, howsoever, is at the expense of his or her soul and has mortgaged his or her generations including unborn ones. Satan dangles satanic carrots and aids and gives Greek gifts.
37.                In the Dark Kingdom’s marine world deep beneath the ocean and sea beds many souls who are not heaven bound after death have been taken captive there for hundreds of years. Only Jesus Christ can set them free if He wishes and sometimes He does and sends them back to earth as new born to serve Him and carry out special assignments.
38.                The Dark Kingdom takes decisions spiritually and they translate or manifest physically if God or the Children of Light or those Ransomed by the Everlasting Blood do not interfere, intervene, supervene or counter it. The spiritual controls or determines the physical. Battles are won or lost in the spirit realm. You possess or are dispossessed in the spirit realm.
39.                In the Dark Kingdom demon spirits are born into the world as new born and grow to carry out specific assignments. When people copulate especially sinners or Christ less married couples they watch spiritually and at an appropriate time they penetrate the fertilized zygote and the demon spirit enters and after nine (9) months is born as a human being, but actually a demon in a human body. They are on earth for an assignment.
40.                The Dark Kingdom runs the (Godless) human world remotely and spiritually. World leaders or leaders of nations or (transnational / multinational) organizations are mostly determined and often controlled by them.
41.                The President of the Dark Kingdom, Satan, the god of this world runs the world systems and apparatus; and there are always humans who are ever ready to work for him willingly or ignorantly.
42.                In the Dark Kingdom demons with human agents can instigate attacks and unleash problems even using the natural elements if they are not checked or stopped by the Creator or His Angels or His Children of Light.
43.                In the Dark Kingdom demons like to possess fully a person if they are given a slight opportunity and will refuse to leave.
44.                Witch Doctors, Babalawos, Bokas, Dibias, Sangomas, Herberlists, Diviners, Sorcerers, Necromancers, Astrologers, Stargazers, Palm  readers, Spiritists, Magicians, Charmers, Marauders and lately satanic Alfas, Pastors or Prophets etc work hand in hand with the Dark Kingdom. Their knowledge or ability is from there.
45.                In the Dark Kingdom there are demons together with human agents who browse stars of children coming into the world. The star of every child coming into the world appears many years before birth, sometimes 300 years before and if that child is coming with a great assignment from God they programme challenges and manipulate the child’s destiny. Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ are some examples. God often allows them to do this and only He knows why.
46.                                              In the Dark Kingdom they know that the meaning or origin of your name can determine eternal destiny. God is holy and will never identify with un-holiness or false gods.
47.                On the day of a child’s naming, two spirit beings appear with pen and paper. An Angel of God and a demon. If the child’s name glorifies God, the Angel will write it down. If it is a Satan inspired name, the Angel will leave but the demon will write it down.
48.                Blood of humans fetched by Servient spirits or Witches or Wizards at accident spots or at  happenings causing death are ferried to their blood banks and are used to sustain their power or for initiation or for consumption etc.
49.                The Dark Kingdom fights you in the mind zone. They project or sow thoughts of ideas or doubts into your mind and make you think they are your thoughts or ideas.
50.                The Dark Kingdom is behind every evil, death, calamity, catastrophe, most sicknesses or diseases, destruction, decay, denigration, confusion, defeat, wickedness or phenomenon that pains, afflicts or causes man shame, to cry or sorrow or regret.
51.                Satan can transform into 999 ways except or cannot transform into a DOVE.
52.                The Dark Kingdom cause spiritual lethargy, blindness, deafness and heart hardening to people so that the spiritual medicine for spiritual death will not enter them. Since they couldn’t stop the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they sprang up all the false religious faiths and piety of the world including the “No God, No Creator” and the “All Roads lead to God” and “Man is his God or can attain a higher consciousness” mantras, all in order to confuse and destroy mankind the more.
53.                Of all the realms of the Dark Region: Subterranean, Celestial, Terrestrial and Marine, the marine has a more powerful influence over everyday life and activity of mankind. Leviathan, the fleeing serpent and dragon together with the King and Queen of the Coast rule there.
54.                The first sin in heaven was the “PRIDE” of Satan. The second sin was “LYING.” He sold his lies to the angels in order to get them on his side. Many bought his lies. The first sin on earth was his lies to Eve (first class deception). Lying is his nature, he even lies to his loyalist and his demons lie like him. He is the father of lies and liars. It is the commonest and easiest sin to man and leads to other sins. The Dark Kingdom doesn’t want you to know that the wisdom of the world or men are lies of Satan. If you walk with or operate by the wisdom of the world then you have made Satan your father.
55.                In the Dark Kingdom Satan is the “Big Boss” not necessarily because he is the strongest but because he is the “Brain Box” who lured, cajoled and deceived the many demons who joined him. Belial and Leviathan were actually the first to instigate Satan’s rebellion and they are far stronger than Satan. Satan is the first among fallen equals. He gives them so much leeway to sustain his own dominion.
56.                Three kingdoms of the Dark Kingdom oppose God and man, who is the beloved of God’s creation. They are:
a)   Anti-God Kingdom – this started since the fall of mankind. It is led by the principality of pollution and false worship, called Abaddon or Apollyon, which is worshipped in the world as Queen of Heaven or Alla or Venus or Zeus etc. This demon actually executed the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
b)   The second kingdom is the Anti-Christ Kingdom. This is the kingdom led by the principality of wide scale destruction and desolation called The Beast – His kingdom will soon come and will take the world by subterfuge through his ‘Man of Sin.’
c)   The third kingdom is the Satanic Kingdom and is led by Satan himself. His kingdom will be after the 1000 years millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth from his headquarters in Jerusalem.
57.                Hell is the natural abode for all demon or fallen angels. It is a grotesque place created by God for them to serve their punishment. For reasons known to God He allow them to freely move in and out of it, though some are permanently chained there until their judgement is executed. Man cannot endure hell like demons no matter how long he is there. But demons can and have endured it for donkey years. Any person that rejects God’s provision of salvation in the person of His one and only Holy Son, Jesus Christ or serves and worships Satan and his Dark Kingdom directly or remotely through his many false gods, religions, faiths or piety, ideologies, philosophies, materialism, etc. will join demons and Satan in Hell and later the “Lake of Fire” for eternity.
58.                Satan wants you to believe he is uncreated and thus all powerful but that is one of his many lies. Satan and his hordes of demons are created beings. And anything created is subject to the Creator. The manufactured is subject to the Manufacturer. The product is subject to the Producer. This is the eternal verdict of Colossians 1:15-17.
59.                The Dark Kingdom doesn’t want you to know or believe that THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT or THOSE REDEEMED BY THE BLOOD OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT are THE KINGDOM OF GOD PERSONIFIED and are IN THE ORDER OF JESUS CHRIST, even to eternity!
60.                In the Dark Kingdom they don’t want you to know that, JESUS CHRIST IS THE NEMESIS OF THE DARK KINGDOM. JESUS SAYS TO YOU:
“AND YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE”     (John 8:31-32, 10: 9-10, Luke 10:17-19, 1 Timothy 1:15, 1 John 3:5, 8; 5:4-5)

1)   God cast them (that is, fallen angels) out of Heaven downwards – the same region where He will later put man.
2)   God knows why He allowed many of them to move about freely in the downwards region and in and out of Abyss (Hell).
3)   God knows why He still chained many of them too.
4)   God knows why He directly or remotely thwarts their plans and actions and sometimes He doesn’t.
5)   God works through their objectives, plans, activities and actions to achieve His own objectives or will – If Satan could understand this he wouldn’t have plotted the death of Jesus Christ. If they knew that Jesus’ death on the cross will bring salvation to mankind, give mankind Eternal Life, Liberate mankind from the clutch of sin, Deliver mankind from the power of darkness and Destroy him, his goons and his kingdom permanently and forever, he wouldn’t have pursued that course (of Christ crucifixion) of action. JESUS CHRIST IS THE RETRIBUTION OF SATAN AND HIS KINGDOM!
6)   Unfortunately for the Dark Kingdom they are incurably dumb, and never learn as they keep repeating their folly. Of all their battles or war against God they have never ultimately won any and will never win any. They are permanent and eternal losers, and they know it.
7)   The Dark Kingdom suffers from an incurable condition. It is called: 

For me, I personally believe that Satan’s dumbest and perpetual folly is his failure to realize that “With men (including Satan) it is impossible, but not with God, for all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27).


1 comment:

WENDELL_BRAVO666 said...

son of doris lamia son poisedon danny hitler im wendell satanmissylamiabattle satan birth doris lamia wendell prince 12 of kings kingdom wendell santos bravp satan will testament pf satan rebel spain philippine un peso revolution son of fahad typhon prince of babilon tamuz wargod son ksa missy lamia german doris labelle wendell satanas apot langit lupa impierno destroyer poisedon hitler armageddon philippines spain revolution declared world war 3 armageddon republican 2 3 4 5 bible kartilla k.k.k. (hitler manessman anlagenbau police holdap ) diablo satanas licifer republic apep lamia rebel fire satan labelle missy wendell holy kalis of revalalition prince od the dogon wendell price 12 kingdom kings marijuana prince of darkness baphomet knight samael dogon saudi tubal cain zeus satan satan olimpis wendell santos bravo 666 armageddon satan kingdon un satan wendell bravo missy fire dogon central marlen bunganga devourer of lilith hera dogon irma mama doris lamia devourer armageddon kingdom saudi bat ganito convertion nyo wendell wargod mission prince kawawa typhon missy ko victim babilon tamuz kingdom saudi princess fahad armageddon