‘‘When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth,
for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak,
and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for
he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the father has is
mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you’’.
– John 16: 13-15.
Have you been to school lately? I know you are wondering and probably asking
“what is this buddy up to’’, ‘what does he mean by, “have you been to school
lately’’? I know you do not just have a Bachelor of Science degree, but you
came out tops in your Masters Degree class. I know that in pursuit of
excellence in education you were not satisfied with your Master degree, you
also have a PhD in your kitty and you are presently gunning for a “Doctor of
I know your array of qualifications will make even a university
Vice-Chancellor green with envy. I must confess, I find your array of
qualifications quite intimidating and impressive. But, please permit me to ask
your one more time. Have you been to school lately?
I know a school; it is far more exclusive than Harvard or Oxford, yet,
without any preference it admits more people than any school in the world. It
has the most robust curriculum ever, offering the best of knowledge and wisdom.
It traverses and transcends all known borders; and it is not bound by time and
Ladies and gentlemen, that school is “School of the Holy Spirit”. The
greatest deity and man that walked the face of this earth; in very clear
speech, devoid of figure and idiom first intimated mankind of whom is behind
this school ‘‘...He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance
all that I have said to you” - John 14:26.
To even depict the Excellency of His teachings and nature, He is called ‘‘...wonderful
counselor…” - Isaiah 9:6, John 15:26. Brethren, in a world buffeted by all
sorts of aches and troubles; where there no is iota of justice, peace and
equity (John 17:14; 16:33), where outright lies have been packaged and
presented as truths, and half truths and errors masqueraded as genuine
information (John 8:43-44, 2 Corinthians 4:4).
In order to carry on and avoid being swallowed by the deluge that has become
of planet earth (2 Corinthians 2:11), It has become more expedient that you
join yourself (1 Corinthians 6:17) to the one called “The Spirit of Truth”; for
only He can give you the truth that can set you free (John 8:32; 14:6).
Brethren, the truth is that “Truth” has become so scarce and not just that,
but the most contested “commodity” on earth (John 8:38, 40, 43, 47). Believe
it, you can only get or access the truth by enrolling in the school of all
schools, that is ‘School of the Holy Spirit” (John 16:13-15, Isaiah 45:19).
Now consider the schools’ profile below and then see if indeed it is not the
most intelligent decision of your life to make by enrolling now (Hebrew
School: School of the Holy Spirit
Proprietor: The Holy Spirit
Head Teacher: The Godhead
Mode of Teaching: Revelation, Illumination, Inspiration, Impartation,
Medium of Teaching: Study of the Word; Meditation of the Word;
Preaching of the Word;
Teaching of the Word; Prophetic Utterance of the Word; Demonstration
of the Word.
Teaching Aids: The Holy Bible, Written Matter (especially those
authored by His vessels),
Nature of the works of His hands e.g. the lily in the valley, the soul, the
human body,
metabolism or physiology e.t.c
Other Teachers: Anointed Vessels of God
First Point of Entry: Washed of water and spirit. You must be “Born
Second Point of Entry: Poured on and filled with the Holy Spirit
(Holy Ghost Baptism).
(Promotion & Progression)
Qualifications Obtainable: Child of God, Royal Priesthood, Peculiar
Prophet (Person), Chosen
Christ Ambassador, Excellent King (who is master of
situations and circumstances).
Perks of Qualifications: Gifts of the Spirit and Fruits of the Spirit
(spiritual blessings);
Finest of wheat and honey (material
Course Duration: All of your life time.
Courses: The love of God; the severity of God, The mysteries of God,
The Judgment of God,
Things to come or happen; Hard questions of life; Secrets of Men; Secrets of
activities; Solutions to human problems, Deliverance from: Ignorance, self,
men, sin,
Satan and wicked forces; Salvation of soul from spiritual death; Salvation from
want or bareness;
Sanctification and Consecration; How to be faithful and make your
fruits abide; How to
abide in Him; How to enter into His (physical and spiritual) rest
and many more.
Syllabus: All that is of the God head and what Jesus taught and did.
In conclusion brethren, the irony of it all, are that, the truth gotten and
taught at the School of the Holy Spirit cannot be negotiated, disregarded or
wished away. Someday mankind and the world will keep a date with the “Almighty
Truth”. Depending on your reaction, the truth will either make or mar you (2
Corinthians 13:8). Buy Knowledge (the truth) for free and keep it.
Ambassador R A Y
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